Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Like all bullies”

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Like all bullies

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, October 1, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “Like all bullies”

Pastor Wilson’s statements concerning singing without masks at City Hall need to be called out. These were disingenuous attempts to justify violating health laws.

Being required to wear masks in public during a pandemic in no way infringes on one’s First Amendment right to assemble. Read your Constitution. You can still meet freely, with some space between you and others. But it is hardly peaceful to endanger the lives of the citizens of your community by violating health restrictions designed to protect all.

Wilson muddies the waters by saying “I don’t think it’s right to arrest someone for singing hymns while not wearing a mask.” Leave out the “for singing hymns” part, because it is irrelevant. One might as well say “It’s not right to arrest someone for singing hymns while robbing a store.”

They chose to sing — and can’t use the singing hymns part to justify violating a law enacted to protect the community. It panders to his kind of Christian and baits others. Wilson does this often, and likes the attention. It’s also a big shout out to the community: “we don’t respect you or care about you.” Moscow City Hall is a public building and not their property alone. This is not a good “witness” to the community of their God. Is this the best, wisest and kindest thing to do during a health crisis? Some may think it’s a conspiracy theory, but some of us know someone who has died.

These same types go about telling others how to live, run their businesses, bullying many — including children, and when people get fed up, they finally stand and say “no.” Then, like all bullies, they cry “persecution!” and “we’re targeted!” They’re actually proud of saying that, thinking it “proves their godliness.” It doesn’t.

Sylvan Slater

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