Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Disappointed by closure”

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Disappointed by closure

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 30, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “Disappointed by closure”

I was visiting Moscow from Kalispell, Mont., this past weekend with the purpose of experiencing the Moscow Farmers Market, which I have heard about for a number of years. Needless to say, I was very disappointed and angry to learn that a few people forced the market to be canceled.

I learned that Jim Wilson and members of Christ Church had defied a city mask wearing ordinance, and that outside demonstrators were encouraged to descend on Moscow to protect their “God-given rights.” My question is, how about the rights of the hard-working Moscow farmers and vendors. Don’t they have a right to make a living at the market? How about the rights of many Moscow citizens and out-of-staters to attend and support a great community event? I don’t understand how Moscow city officials can allow a disruptive and disrespectful vocal minority get away with disrupting so many lives? I hope these disrupters can be brought under control before my next trip to Moscow.

John Hinchey
Kalispell, Mont.

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