September 30, 2020, Archive

Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Disappointed by closure”

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 30, 2020, Letter to the Editor, “Disappointed by closure”

“I learned that Jim Wilson and members of Christ Church had defied a city mask wearing ordinance, and that outside demonstrators were encouraged to descend on Moscow to protect their ‘God-given rights.’ My question is, how about the rights of the hard-working Moscow farmers and vendors. Don’t they have a right to make a living at the market? How about the rights of many Moscow citizens and out-of-staters to attend and support a great community event? I don’t understand how Moscow city officials can allow a disruptive and disrespectful vocal minority get away with disrupting so many lives? I hope these disrupters can be brought under control before my next trip to Moscow.” —John Hinchey Continue reading

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 |

Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Hardly ‘least touched’”

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 30, 2020, Letter to the Editor, “Hardly ‘least touched’”

“Doug Wilson recently stated that the reason we don’t need to wear masks and socially distance in Latah county is that ‘Idaho is one of the least touched states in the union. And Latah County is one of the least touched counties in the state of Idaho. We are right at the bottom of the risk territory.’ The logic of the argument is, of course, a common fallacy.” —Steffen Werner Continue reading

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 |