Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letters to the Editor

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‘Let it begin with me’

 Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 28, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “Let it begin with me”
Dear City Council: Great job keeping Moscow safe. No referendum required. Suggested song for protesters, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Thanks Moscow PD for your restraint.

Sue Scott

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A questionable translation

 Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 28, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “A questionable translation”
I read in the Sept. 24 Daily News of the latest nonmasked, nondistanced public gathering of about 150 Christ Church people in Moscow for a “psalm sing,” violating the mask/distance order created to protect public health.

How did Jesus’ command “love thy neighbor” get translated into “infect thy neighbor” by these who profess to follow him?

Mary Carloye

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A note from Jesus

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 28, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “A note from Jesus”
Dear Gabriel,
You appear to have forgotten my teachings on humility and universal love. See you on judgment day!
Your Saviour,

Jay Feldman

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