Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “It’s evil to spread disease”

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It’s evil to spread disease

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, September 28, 2020, page 5, Letter to the Editor, “It’s evil to spread disease”
Mr. Sumpter, I was listening to your radio show on PJ Media. The episode about the arrests of singers in Moscow. Your argument that Jesus sets us free is true. But the next argument you make is objectively false. The Moscow City Council is not trying to make healthy people “act like they’re sick.” Moscow has had a very low COVID-19 problem because of the mask ordinance. It is also true that America’s Founding Fathers are more than Doug Wilson and Glenn Beck make them out to be: Simplistic individuals who believed more in faith than science. The truth is, there were several enlightened men in that group.

They were people who believed in scientific inquiry and God. They would have worn masks if they were told that it prevented disease from spreading.

Your church’s public event was a valid protest against the hypocrisy of liberals in the Moscow City Council who don’t follow their own ordinance.

However, getting arrested for your protest does not suddenly give you the moral high ground. And that’s because there is truth on both sides of the issue and misleading and hypocritical behavior also on both sides.

To be against mask wearing during the pandemic is to invite long-term health problems and death into your family, church and town. That’s not what Jesus would recommend, is it? Your pastor Doug Wilson is more than just controversial. He has been waiting for years for a moment like this to ignite a faux outrage against all liberals everywhere.

But Dr. Fauci isn’t a liberal, he is a conservative Catholic. And many doctors and scientists are also not liberals. Mask wearing prevents the spread of COVID-19. Everyone knows that’s true. It is evil to intentionally spread disease. Christ Church knowingly spreads disease in public and calls it freedom.

Thom Anderson

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