Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Please just wear a mask”

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Please just wear a mask

Moscow-Pullman Daily News August 31, 2020, page 5

This letter is in response to Kat Yager’s letter (Aug. 24) about her right to worship. First, no one is denying your right to assemble for church or for any other reason. Moscow’s mask order only requires that if you cannot maintain social distancing, you must wear a mask. Holli Cooper’s observation that crowds of people were entering the Nazarene church without masks is evidence that the order was probably not being followed. If Kat had explained that the rules were being followed inside, then, no problem. But she did not. Instead, she asked a series of irrelevant questions regarding other situations.

The mask order doesn’t discriminate against churches. It applies to all of us equally and does not infringe on religious freedom. And here is some food for thought from Pastor John Lestock of Pendleton, Ore., who wrote, “If Jesus were walking our streets today, do you think he would wear a mask in public? Would you see Jesus arguing over his civil rights? Would he insult or make fun of those who were frightened for their lives? Or, would Jesus discount the counsel of medical experts? Think of it, friends: The Jesus we preach was willing to experience humiliation, suffering, and death to save the people he loved. It seems to me, if Jesus would die on a cross for us, he would wear a mask for us.”

Scientists are finding that all ages of people, no matter what their current health status, are affected by this virus, and many suffer long-term health problems even well after they recover. It’s not a matter of “vulnerable populations” taking precautions while the rest are free to do as they wish. We are all in this together, and we have the power to stop this virus. Please just wear a mask.

Kathy Dawes

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