Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Church shows lack of care”

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Church shows lack of care

Moscow-Pullman Daily News August 20, 2020, Letter to the Editor: “Church shows lack of care”
I was horrified while driving past the Nazarene church in Moscow this past weekend to see the parking lot overflowing with cars. I found out this was yet another Christ Church event. We are in the midst of a pandemic and for some reason there are people who care so little for their fellow humans that they participate in activities that only serve to spread a deadly disease. And for what? Ego? Money?

Whether this event was to feed the leader’s narcissism or just rake in lots of money, or both, Moscow needs to wake up and censure this group. We have elderly people who have been isolated in their homes, unable to see or hug their loved ones for months because this virus could kill them, and if it were to get into our local care facilities there would be a staggering number of deaths.

Christ Church is once again smugly thumbing its nose at decent Moscow residents and this time literally endangering our lives. My anger extends to the Nazarene church as well. I was unaware that they had an affinity for the extreme fundamentalism of Christ Church, or perhaps the money offered was just too good to pass up. I, for one, never patronize the businesses of Christ Church members. I call on every decent resident of Moscow to do the same.

Holli Cooper

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