Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “The right to worship”

Reading a kirker letter is like watching MLB on TV — empty cardboard cutouts surrounded by piped in crowd noise. These be soulless NPCs that have no meaning in life but to create the illusion of a Potemkin village for their master.

Letter below the pic:

cardboard cutouts

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The right to worship

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, August 24, page 7

Holli Cooper submitted a letter to the editor complaining about a gathering over the weekend at the Nazarene Church in Moscow. Was she there? Does she know what precautions may have been taken? Does Cooper get angry when she drives by the Walmart parking lot, which is generally overflowing with cars? Does she think that the few hundred people jostling together at any one time while shopping for food and school supplies do not have a care and are endangering the lives of Moscow residents? And if not, why is she more upset with a church gathering? Whether Cooper likes it or not, people have the right to practice their First Amendment, and doing so is not literally endangering people’s lives.

We have a right to peaceably assemble and to practice our religion. No one, not local, state or federal government should infringe on that right (or any other), not even during a pandemic. Take precautions, especially if you are one of the vulnerable populations, but do not give up your rights and liberty for a little safety and security.

Kat Yager

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