Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “‘Slimy’ could use defining”

My advice to Gabe: Withdraw from the race; beseech your neighbors’ forgiveness; and learn to walk with humility.

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‘Slimy’ could use defining

Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor, May 18, 2020, page 5
In a May 15 letter to the editor, Gabriel Rench states, “One of the reasons I am running for county commissioner is because slimy politics of the past needs to go, and a concern for truth needs to be established.”

Since Mr. Rench is running for county commissioner, I can only assume his remark is directed toward the current county commissioners.

My questions to Mr. Rench are, what current county commissioner(s) has acted in a slimy manner and what has been the result(s) of her or his actions? What untruths have been stated by any or all of the county commissioners and what has been the result of those untruths?

Mr. Rench, please be very specific with facts to back up your answers. We the residents of Latah County need to know the truth so we can make an informed decision when we vote in November.

Kathy Weber

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