Moscow Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “For the love of cake”

Holli Cooper Knocks Another One Out

Holli Cooper deserves a Pulitzer Prize for this letter (cf. this letter). And Jim Nance deserves to spend the remainder of his life in prison, where fellow psychopaths can stick their flesh hooks in his torso like their personal sex doll. Hopefully they would have the grace to forgive him for making them sin, just as he did his victim. I still marvel that no brave kirker hasn’t crushed his head to Jell-O with a baseball bat, as their great pastor Doug Wilson has so taught them. What chivalry.

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For the love of cake

Moscow Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor, “For the love of cake,” May 16, 2020, page 7
I love cake. It’s the best food group of all. Spice cake with raisins especially, yum! So if I see someone with a slice of cake, I often can’t stop thinking about getting some cake. Since I really want cake, and their cake looks so yummy and tempting, I should be able to help myself right?

No? Shouldn’t I be allowed to at least run my finger through the frosting for a little taste? No? Why would that be? This person is parading that cake right under my nose, dressed with cream cheese frosting and maybe even sprinkles! They must want me to take some of that cake or they wouldn’t have it out in public. I can’t be blamed for giving into temptation, it’s the cake owner’s fault. They should be ashamed for showing cake in public. They deserve to have me stab that cake with my fork. In fact, I think they are asking for it. That cake person is to blame when I grab that cake by the. . .

My point is, very few people would consider touching, taking or otherwise molesting someone else’s property. Why then do so many of these same people blame victims for sexual assault or even feel entitled to touch others without permission?

A person’s body is their own, no one, not even someone’s spouse, parent, sibling, partner or close friend, has any right to touch them in any way without their permission.

Holli Cooper

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