Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: “Protest disappointing, disturbing”

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Protest disappointing, disturbing

Moscow-Pullman Daily News, April 24, 2020, page 5
How disappointing and disturbing it is that some segments of our community are blaming rather than thanking our city, county, university, state and federal officials for taking measures to protect our health and prevent the spread of the dangerous COVID-19 virus throughout our community and county.

Are these the same folks who proclaim that every life is precious? Did they mean to add that is unless the fellow human being is older than 65 or has lung, heart or diabetes conditions, in which case they should shut themselves up and hope for the best, while others herd together at rallies, churches, gun shows etc. and spread the virus thus further endangering the more vulnerable in our community? No, we can’t let each person decide for themselves how to act in this crisis any more than we let each person decide what speed they will drive.

I would also note that the protester’s sign pictured on the front page of Daily News on April 21 comparing Nazi propaganda to the honest efforts of our elected officials to keep us safe in this pandemic is misleading, offensive and odious. As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp during Idaho Holocaust Remembrance Week, perhaps the protesters could educate themselves through materials made available online by the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights in Boise.

Let’s all work together to follow sensible guidelines and support our elected officials while helping others in need. Thank you mayor and City Council for making hard decisions to protect all of us. Be safe everyone and please be thoughtful of everyone in our wonderful community.

Joanne Muneta

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