Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letters to the Editor

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Wondering about the end game for McConnell Building

Moscow Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor September 28 2019

Earlier this year, Andrew Crapuchettes purchased the McConnell Building. It is a building in downtown Moscow that is home to much Section 8 housing. I lived there with my small daughter, and have had friends who are single parents who also lived there with their small children. It is also home to quite a few old and handicapped people, as well as college students. It affords people who do not necessarily have the means to live downtown a walkable and pleasant place to reside that has increasingly become out of reach for many as downtown has quickly been gentrified.

Crapuchettes states in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News that he intends to let the current residents stay, although it is unclear whether that means at the current rent. He states that they are focused on gradually beautifying the interior, a vacant apartment at a time. He also states that he is putting “$10,000 to $15,000 a month into making it better.” At that cost, color me surprised if he doesn’t want to make more of a profit off of it.

While no opponent to “keeping old buildings beautiful,” I would also ask to what end this is serving. Crapuchettes is an elder of Christ Church, which has had a contentious history of buying up old buildings downtown, essentially making them insular entities that service only the students of New Saint Andrews and members of Christ Church. I would not be surprised if, after all the old guard died or got rent-squeezed out of McConnell, it became essentially a dormitory for New Saint Andrews.

While not an enemy of freedom of religion or speech, I believe a healthy democracy rests upon a dialogue amongst different viewpoints — iron sharpening iron, if you will. If a total gentrification happens — of anyone taking complete control of everything — we will lose this, and what a shame that will be.

Dana Banks


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Obeying church leaders not always in city’s best interest

Moscow Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor September 28 2019

I was recently troubled by an article about the CEO of Emsi and his plans to acquire even more properties in Moscow to further Doug Wilson’s stated dream of bringing Moscow under the control of his sect.

Naturally he denies this but, even putting aside the sex scandals, rabid misogyny and soft-pedaling of slavery, we cannot take any member of the Kirk at his or her word since they believe they are engaged in, as their dear leader puts it, “spiritual warfare” against anyone who does not buy their brand of religion and it is therefore not only acceptable to lie to us, “the enemy,” because we have “forfeited the right to the truth,” but laudable.

Keep in mind that a percentage of any money spent at businesses owned by Kirk members is money in Christ Church coffers. Also keep in mind that the city council elections are coming up and having church members who obey their church authorities as they are expected to on the council will not be in the best interests of Moscow.

Holli Cooper

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