Today’s letter to the editor strikes me as suspicious, but I’ll waive that to demonstrate a larger point. The writer claims that Douglas Wilson “admitted” he made a “mistake” in the matter of Jamin Wight’s felonious behavior and that he (Wilson) “has learned from it and taken steps to prevent anything similar from ever happening again.”
Both of these statements are demonstrably false, as witnessed by the 16 April 2016 Moscow-Pullman Daily News, which you can read here. I contemplate the article here.
Douglas Wilson not only didn’t admit mistakes or learn anything — he doubled down, which is his standard operating procedure. You’ll have to search long & far to discover an occasion where Doug Wilson admitted making a mistake and you’ll have to search farther to see him concede that he took corrective measures. NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN. He even told his hand-picked acolytes to blow their suck-up counsel out their feckweasel cheeks.
So I suggest that Lois Johnston ask her source for proof of these claims, and when they can’t deliver she should reconsider just how “open hearted and caring” these people really are.
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Sounds like a personal vendetta
In response to the letter from Holli Cooper, “Why I oppose Doug Wilson” (Oct. 5), this writing sounds to me more like a personal vendetta than a presentation of ideas. She brought up something that happened long ago, which Mr. Wilson has admitted was a mistake. He has learned from it and taken steps to prevent anything similar from ever happening again. He has learned from his mistake.
I have known many people who attend or work at Christ Church, New Saint Andrews College and Logos School. None has complained of being forced to attend these places. All the ones I’ve known have been open hearted and caring toward other people.
Lois Johnston
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