In last week’s letter to the editor the writer advanced an argumentum ad hominem but she did not make a fallacious ad hom, because she demonstrated how & why her attacks applied to point. Paraphrased, she said, Douglas Wilson instills antisocial behavior in his students at Logos School and this does not benefit the community; therefore Logos School does not deserve special treatment in the form of privileged water rights to grow a lacrosse field — they should “Buy some Astroturf.”
She’s right. This is perfectly reasonable. Logos School has applied for permission to use a disproportionate amount of water for athletics, which benefits no one and which harms some. Worse, Doug Wilson spawns criminals who threaten and financially burden the community. Latah County tax dollars pay the prosecutor to protect citizens from Mr. Wilson’s followers. But I digress.
In today’s letter to the editor, Doug Wilson delivers an ad hom without a “therefore,” which is one more reason to deny Logos School’s application. Their founder teaches fallacious logic to his students and Latah County should not subsidize his incompetence:
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Letter resorts to personal attacks
I would like to respond, if I might, to Holli Cooper’s broadside a few days ago (“Consider history of Logos, Christ Church,” Sept. 19).
With regard to the water usage issue and Logos, I am happy to let that be settled through the ordinary processes. But it seems to me that we should be able to discuss the pros and cons of water usage without resorting to multiple accusations and personal attacks grounded on multiple falsehoods — which her letter amply does.
It seems to me that the diversity advocates only love diversity until they actually encounter some. Their idea of diversity is where everyone looks a little bit different, but they all think the same way.
Douglas Wilson
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Looks like Logos withdrew the application for water rights?