Steven Sitler’s son unavailable for comment.
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#MeToo movement is fraudulent
Lorna Bickerdyke recently wrote with “horror and disbelief” (Letter: “Note my savior,” May 19) regarding an article I wrote on my blog about the failure of the #MeToo movement to offer any real help to women who have been mistreated.
She was particularly upset that I mocked the #MeToo movement as a fraud, and that I had the audacity to claim Jesus for my authority to do so. Since she claimed to know the Bible well, I’m sure she is familiar with our Lord’s fierce words for hypocrites in Matthew 6 and 23. Jesus mocks hypocrites, and he particularly hates how they miscarry justice, straining out gnats while swallowing camels.
The #MeToo movement is more of the same. In the name of “justice,” they overthrow justice. When #MeToo speaks up for the unborn, for the biological blessing of being created male and female, for marriage as the union of one man and one woman — then I might take #MeToo seriously.
But as it stands, #MeToo appears to be on the same cultural bender as their abusers, doing whatever feels right. In other words, justice requires a standard. By what standard does #MeToo object to the mistreatment of women? Without a clear, unchanging standard, human societies careen toward the cruelty of mob justice.
But God in his great love sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die on a Roman cross at the hands of another mob. Because Jesus was perfectly innocent, when he died all evil was condemned in him, including the mistreatment of women, establishing true justice forever. And since Christ died for sin and rose from the dead, it is just for God to offer complete forgiveness and healing to any who will look to him in faith.
#MeToo offers outrage and internet mobs, but Jesus offers true justice, healing and forgiveness. So come and welcome to Jesus Christ.
Toby Sumpter
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