Never Feel Sorry for a Wounded Predator


  1. an organism that primarily obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms : an organism that lives by predation. . . .
  2. one who injures or exploits others for personal gain or profit. . . .


I grew up on the beach. Occasionally we’d see a washed-up shark as we walked along the shore. No one ever pitied it. We’d always spit on it, or maybe kick it, without thinking twice. This is because we knew that if that shark ever came across us while swimming in the ocean, he’d bite a limb off without thinking twice (plus we were kids). Sharks are predators; that’s what predators do. I once had a rattlesnake in my backyard. I saw him while cutting my grass. Scared the hell out of me because rattlers were not native to the region. But there he was, coiled up, shaking his rattle. I grabbed a hoe and chopped the snake to death. It took a while because he was solid muscle, cut I cut him to ribbons. Then I ran him over with the lawnmower, after I set the blade as low as possible. I didn’t think twice. Him or me. If I didn’t kill him, no member of the family was safe, starting with the dogs. Rattlesnakes are predators; that’s what they do. A few years ago I read about a woman walking her dogs. She said a wolf approached her from the distance, so she turned around. Then another wolf cut her off. The pack surrounded her. She realized they were hunting her. Imagine the terror. The wolves attacked. Remarkably, she survived; one of her pups did not. Wolves are predators; that’s what predators do.

Douglas Wilson is a predator. He injures and exploits others for his self-aggrandizement. He built his empire by using others. He would have nothing (including his home) if not for the generous donations of those whom he eventually burned. And eventually he does burn everyone. He’s a predator; that’s what predators do.

But Doug Wilson differs from natural predators in one respect: Natural predators kill for survival — it’s not personal; Douglas Wilson inflicts pain for fun — it’s personal. He cannot survive without humiliating his victims, which I am sure makes him feel very brave. Imagine the heroic courage it takes to watch the helpless Sitler child suffer unspeakable humiliation every day of his life. Imagine the selfless valor he needed to dig up dirt on Wes Petersen, in order to put he & Natalie in a false & humiliating light. Doug Wilson injures for pleasure. Then he garnishes his evil deeds with holy speak, which I am sure makes him feel righteous. Well did Solomon say, “the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” (Proverbs 12:10).

Regardless, never feel sorry for a wounded predator.

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