In the 60s, my father wrote a small but enormously influential book called The Principles of War. In it, he applied the principles of physical warfare to what he called strategic evangelism. This idea of warfare is necessary in order to understand a central part of what is happening here, and by this I mean the concept of the decisive point. A decisive point is one which is simultaneously strategic and feasible. Strategic means that it would be a significant loss to the enemy if taken. Feasible means that it is possible to take. New York City is strategic but not feasible. Bovill is feasible but not strategic. But small towns with major universities (Moscow and Pullman, say) are both.
Douglas Wilson
November 7, 2017, Archive
Prince Gog Threatens the Peace of Moscow
“it can remain that way”
“In short, we have had a good period of peace and quiet for the last few years, and if the election goes well, it can remain that way.”
—Douglas Wilson Continue reading
Douglas Wilson Dreads Linda Pall
Vote for Linda Pall. Continue reading