She gets it:
Toleration of sin, pretense, disease, crookedness or deviation from the truth means the system is in fact not the work of God.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) October 10, 2017
“Imagine Lady Gaga washed up on a desert island — how long do you think those outfits would last? Imagine Miley Cyrus washed up on a desert island — think she would be dancing up and down the beach with that foam finger? No. The whole point is to shock and insult those who don’t know that they are being played. Take that away and the whole game collapses.” —Douglas Wilson Continue reading
She gets it:
Toleration of sin, pretense, disease, crookedness or deviation from the truth means the system is in fact not the work of God.
— Diane Langberg, PhD (@DianeLangberg) October 10, 2017