“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13
Team Truth has compiled an exhaustive (we think) list of Douglas Wilson’s documented statements about serial pedophile Steven Sitler. All told, it’s roughly 52,600 words. Of this, about 37,0001 words are written,2 the remaining are taken from the transcript of the October 27, 2015, Kirk HOH meeting. Of these 37,000 words, we found only two instances where Doug Wilson mentioned Steven Sitler’s son. Here are both in context:
”The court is now reviewing details regarding his interaction with his family and the protection of society. The court’s proceedings that were reported in late July and early September were status conferences. We do not complain that there is such a court-supervised process, and we do not object that the state of Idaho takes seriously the responsibility of protecting all children, including Steven’s young son.” (An Open Letter from Christ Church on Steven Sitler)Douglas Wilson posed for the cover of his book Rules for Reformers.
“The twittermob has been circulating numerous untruths, among them that Steven Sitler is a child rapist. He was actually convicted of one count of Lewd Conduct with a Minor under 16 years of age (Idaho Code 18-1508). He has also been accused of raping and/or molesting his son, which no knowledgeable person is even alleging. If the consensus of the mob gets its way, then some court will try to make Katie Sitler choose between her husband and her son.” (The Only Kind of Gospel There Is)3
Concern for the Sitler child does not appear to burden Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow. However, he does appear concerned with misleading his audience. Consider, for example, this line: “we do not object that the state of Idaho takes seriously the responsibility of protecting all children, including Steven’s young son. . .” The uninformed reader would not know that this actually means the Idaho Department of Correction ordered Steven Sitler “completely off of his residence property and ordered him to have no contact with his son.” Or consider this line for another example: “He has also been accused of raping and/or molesting his son, which no knowledgeable person is even alleging.” I do not know about these accusations but I do know that Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson, who is a “knowledgeable person,” reminded the court that Sitler “has had contact with his child that resulted in actual sexual stimulation.” Doug Wilson knew this too but he rebutted a strawman instead.
To be sure, we could not find one instance where Douglas Wilson admitted the State removed Steven Sitler from his home and prohibited him from contacting his son. I suspect he hesitates to call attention to a shipwreck caused by his pastoral malfeasance. This family dashed against the rocks because Doug Wilson refused to say, “Not on my watch.” Likewise, he failed to cite the dreadful millstone warnings in the synoptics or his arrogated authority as declared in the Kirk Protocol on Courtship/Engagement Disputes. These historical facts led Doug Wilson to preemptively answer the questions in everyone’s minds — “Why did he do that? What was he thinking?” And he tripled down:
“I officiated at the wedding and was glad to do so.” (An Open Letter from Christ Church Regarding Steven Sitler, September 5, 2015)
“Would I do that wedding again? Yes, I would. Would I bless them again? Yes, I would — and had I known how vile people were going to be to them, I would have given them an extra blessing. There are a lot of people out there who don’t care how many people they have to injure or trample if only it gives them a chance to score points on me.” (I Don’t Think So, Scooter, September 9, 2015)
“And just so — to be really clear about this — I conducted the wedding and would do so again next week. So this is not one of those things where I wish I hadn’t done that. It would have been much more convenient had this not happened, but I don’t think we were put here for convenience. I think we’re, this has been a big trouble but I would do it again.” (Kirk HOH Meeting, October 27, 2015)
No remorse. No regrets.
1 We included entire word counts for full posts on Blog & Mablog, even posts where Mr. Wilson mentions Steven Sitler incidentally. For example, his “Controversy Library” contains 1880 words, but only 105 words address Sitler. We counted the entire post because the point is to catalogue the entries, not each jot & tittle.
2 For comparison, Doug Wilson’s book A Serrated Edge (Moscow, ID: Canon Press, 2003) is roughly 30,100 words and his book Black & Tan (Moscow, ID: Canon Press, 2005) is about 43,480 words.
3 Katie Sitler should choose her son and flee for her life from these horrible people who have put her in this unthinkable circumstance.
So the most egregious thing, in WilsonWorld, is that vile people are trying to score points against Douglas J. Wilson. Concern for the welfare of an innocent child? Piffle, that is obviously just a convenient cover because everything always comes down to mean people being mean to Doug Wilson. To “score points” against the Exalted One. Poor guy.