This letter needs some background: In the last seven months the Moscow-Pullman Daily News has done five front-page stories on a purchase of land by Logos School, which is an entity in Douglas Wilson’s empire:
- Logos purchases 30 acres for new school (March 4, 2016)
- City approves Logos property annexation (May 17, 2016)
- Logos’ proposed roof raises questions from Moscow board (June 29, 2016)
- A step upward for proposed Logos School campus (August 3, 2016)
- ‘Geronimo, amen’ prayer created Logos (September 26, 2016)
However, these stories are good examples of doug-wagging because Logos School spokesman Gene Liechty stipulated in the first article that they don’t have cash to finance the project: “‘We need to raise several million over the coming months so we can hopefully start getting sewer lines run, water lines run,’ he [Gene Liechty] said.” And he repeated this point in the last article: “The project has no timeline for completion, officials noted, and is dependent for the time being on the success of fundraising programs.” So Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, wants to change the narrative from the two sexual predators he unleashed on Kirk & community to land that he cannot afford to develop, which is why ignored these front-page stories. The Daily News has to report it because it’s news. We don’t, because it’s manufactured.
The following letter to the editor is in response to the most recent Daily News story on Logos School and it helps chronicle Mr. Wilson’s cultural legacy on the Palouse:
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Logos school site
It is truly a tragedy that valuable farmland that should be growing wheat for hungry people will now house a school dedicated to growing people who consider women to be the property of men, who accept the primitive mythology of an ignorant bronze age nomadic people as truth over science and history, whose leader seems to think that slavery in America’s history was just fine and dandy and who can always be counted on to advocate for the sexual predators in his church to be given leniency in court.
Doug Wilson and his Church of Advanced Misogyny have been allowed to take another step forward in their quest to make Moscow into a haven for fundamentalist religious fanatics.
Holli Cooper
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Here are five other letters to the editor:
I can’t read most of the articles, as I have no desire to subscribe or create an account, but it does look as though Kirk doings always get the attention of the locals. As for the letter, while I don’t agree with Cooper’s view of the Bible, it does provide an illustration of the damage Wilson is doing to Christianity among non-Christians, at least within Moscow.
Arguably, the most damaging aspect of Doug’s theological perspective is that if one is critical of any of his beliefs or bizarre actions they are described as a “God hater.” It hardly needs saying that since Doug (no doubt to his great and continuing disappointment) is not God, not believing in him is actually not a sin nor is it an indication of hating God.
Since his belief systems encompasses not just theology, but history, science, education, counseling indeed virtually every aspect of intellectual, social and political life he requires his followers to park their brains, experience, and knowledge at the door of the Kirk – dissent is not permitted. He is just about as tolerant as Torquemada or a Wahhabi cleric living in Saudi Arabia today. In short, he delights in the intellectual company of tyrants, rogues, and bullies which inevitably lead to the creation of his pathetic little posse (aka Elders and Deacons) consisting of cowardly sycophants .
On the other hand, as a Quaker, I have long been publicly described by Kirkers as a god hater. It reminds me of how much my Quaker ancestors were intimidated and silenced by the (Kirk lauded) Pilgrims (who curiously enough I am also descended from as well). That is to say, not one whit.
Rose Huskey
Three cheers for Holli, for pointing out that the Emperor is wearing no clothes.