“No Perv Left Behind Act”

So let us start with where the world wants to go — which can readily be ascertained by looking at where the world is in fact going. Just within the last week, Washington State instituted their new ‘No Perv Left Behind Act,’ which allows any male student who self-identifies as a creep to use the girls’ locker room at the neighborhood government junior high school near you — in order to get a better view when ogling your daughter. And our heart really should go out to that poor girl. She has quite a hard go of it — she has a creep for a stalker/suitor, mountain orcs for civil magistrates, and idiots for parents.
Douglas Wilson


  1. Right, but it’s perfectly OK for Steven Sitler to feel “sexual arousal” when interacting with his infant son because “father hunger” or some other pseudo-biblical BS. What the k, seriously.

  2. Allowing any male who verbally identifies as female into their bathrooms and locker rooms is something I am concerned about, as a mother of daughters. However, Doug Wilson is about the last person who should be publicly pontificating on this kind of stuff.

  3. @Burwell: Good one.

    @NJ: Exactly the point for posting the quote. He’s real good at defining cultural standards for the whole world. He just doesn’t know how to apply those same standards to himself or the Kirk. Case in point: Steven Sitler, as Dash noted. All of Wilson’s points are true — but they’re even truer in the Kirk than anywhere else. Steven Sitler is a “perv,” a “creep,” a “stalker,” at one time he was a “suitor,” he is an “idiot” as a parent (so is his wife), and he has “idiots for parents” (so does his wife). Wilson condemns society’s bizarre trajectory as he acts oblivious to the three-ring freak show that he orchestrated and could end right now. If he put both Sitlers under church discipline (father & son), this fiasco would be over in a week. Katie could begin to pick up the pieces of her life and Moscow would be safe from the serial child molester who cruises the streets looking for . . . women in bikinis.

    Dr. Clark put it well:

  4. Luckily for Sitler and Wight, the Kirk’s ‘No Perv Left Behind’ policy was already firmly in place when they happened along.

  5. Ulysses: that’s just it — I don’t know at this point if even Doug Almighty would be truly able to rein in Steve Sitler from doing whatever he really wants to do. Fixated pedophiles can be very sneaky, as we’ve just seen. Somehow I doubt that all the appeals and threatenings of Wilson will outweigh the perverted desires and libido of Sitler in the end. This why I believe people like him should not be walking free.

  6. Hi NJ: Yes, you are correct. Sitler is out of control and very likely has been out of control for a decade, just not caught. The two major lapses in the last the year (admission of deviant fantasies for his son and admission of stalking a “woman in a bikini”) demonstrate that his fixation remains in full force, despite 11 years of therapy, which everyone refuses to admit.

    And I did not finish my thought (above). When I wrote, “If he put both Sitlers under church discipline (father & son), this fiasco would be over in a week,” I meant that Dave would stop paying Sitler’s lawyers, everyone would come clean (confess all the crimes they committed since March 10, 2005), and Sitler would go to prison to die. But this will never happen. Wilson cannot discipline anyone because he is the reason all of this happened in the first place and he is the glue that continues to hold it all together.

    Doug Wilson has scripted every single step since 4:05 PM on March 10, 2005. There has never been a time when he was out of the loop. He is the only person to ever conduct comprehensive interviews with Sitler. (To be clear, Wilson was Sitler’s sole confessor; law enforcement never interviewed Sitler prior to his conviction and we do not know the extent of their interviews since his conviction.) He cut the deal with Dave Sitler to find a bride for Sitler. He gave Iverson the green light to set Sitler up with Katie. His disciple in Fallon, NV, closed the deal with Katie’s parents (the CREC pastor in Nevada is a Greyfriars grad; he’s the monster who prayed for children in the wedding vid). Wilson did the wedding. I am certain Wilson approved the pregnancy. You can tell this by the timing — they’re on the 5-year plan:

    • 2006 Sitler released from prison
    • 2011 Sitler gets married
    • 2015 Sitler has child

    Call it the 4½-to-5-year plan (Wilson is a Stalinist inside & out). And I am sure they have penciled in baby #2 for 2020.

    So the only way this will really end is if someone catches Sitler on a probation violation or if Wilson becomes incapacitated, i.e. he confesses his role and resigns from the ministry; he dies or suffers the kind of physical calamity he prays for others; etc. If Wilson is gone, the empire collapses — no more Kirk, no more Canon, NSA, etc. They shrivel & die. Then Dave Sitler loses his cover and his wife loses . . .

    Until then, we should expect to see Sitler continue flirting with the law. Dave Sitler will continue paying for counsel. Wilson will continue to defend it. P&P will sit on their thumbs. Judge Stegner will yammer about experts. And the CREC will do nothing.

  7. “Doug Wilson has scripted every single step since 4:05 PM on March 10, 2005. There has never been a time when he was out of the loop. ”

    I’ve not found a place for this piece in the puzzle: the many parents of the many, many child victims who Sitler ( as part of his plea deal?) has confessed to abusing. Did all these parents “agree” to not press charges against Sitler when told that Sitler had abused their children? Did DW/CREC apply the thumbscrews to all of these parents to keep them from pressing charges?
    I too wonder what the hell is considered a probation violation sufficient to send Sitler back to prison forever.

  8. @Howl:

    “Did all these parents ‘agree’ to not press charges against Sitler when told that Sitler had abused their children?”

    No one knows if they technically “agreed,” but we do know that the victim families formed a very effective stonewall of silence that protected the man who molested their children. Consider these citations:

    3/15/2005 to 5/17/2005 Attempts to interview additional victims go without fruition. (Public Information Officer Jennifer L. McFarland of the Latah County Sheriff’s Office, June 7, 2006)

    We are now aware, through Mr. Sitler’s mandatory self-disclosure as part of the psychosexual evaluation process, that there are other victims of Mr. Sitler. None of these victims or their families have otherwise come forward although they have all been contacted and advised of the defendant’s disclosures. (New West, July 4, 2006)

    “The Sitler case is unique because evidence we had through the investigation was extremely limited. It was limited to only one family of victims. There were a number of families who declined to cooperate with any investigation or participate in any of the restitution requests we had,” he said.

    The law says there must be more than just a confession for a charge, and the other ways of gathering evidence were not working, Thompson said. In return for disclosing all his victims so they could be offered assistance, Thompson said, it was agreed Sitler would face only one charge of lewd conduct.” (Moscow-Pullman Daily News, October 10, 2015)

    Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson told the Daily News in October the state discovered multiple victims through self-disclosures by Sitler but, due to limited cooperation from victims and their families, only one could be prosecuted. (Moscow-Pullman Daily News, December 30, 2015)

    “Did DW/CREC apply the thumbscrews to all of these parents to keep them from pressing charges?”

    We have no information on why these families formed a stonewall of silence. No one has said. But I’d bet it all that some of them are watching these developments in horror. I’d bet these people signed non-disclosures in return for a sum of money, which was probably characterized as restitution of some sort. I’d bet they were assured (not in writing) that the Sitlers only wanted to help their son get help and that his chances of getting help would improve if no one prosecuted. I’d bet no one mentioned a marriage or children. And I’d bet these victims feel betrayed right now.

    I hope someone comes forward. We have an exceptional graphic artist who can remove any names (or anything else) from a contract. We guarantee confidence. We have adopted a rule that says “No one gets hurt,” which excludes leadership in the CREC who have adopted an unstated policy that says “We don’t care who gets hurt as long as it’s not us.”

    We’d love to blow this thing wide open. It would show the world how Wilson operates and it might demonstrate to Judge Stegner that he has been acting in good faith with some bad people bent on doing the wrong thing.

    If you can help, please use the Contact form.

    One other thing: We believe there is a strong possibility that Steven Sitler may have molested the children of so-called “intoleristas” in Moscow. If so, then we believe that the names of these victims would not have been disclosed to the prosecution for obvious reasons.

  9. So Wilson cut a deal with Dave Sitler to find a bride for Steve before he was introduced to Katie Travis? I seem to remember when this first blew up that Wilson said some things indicating a belief that marriage would give Sitler a legitimate sexual outlet, therefore it was highly likely to prevent any more pedophilia (my paraphrase). People called him on it as being horribly naive, but he just dug in. Now I’m wondering how widespread this belief is within the Kirk, not to mention the CREC.

    1. Hi NJ:

      “So Wilson cut a deal with Dave Sitler to find a bride for Steve before he was introduced to Katie Travis?”

      I assume that Wilson would not toss 30 years’ of dogmatic teaching on the subject for free. Maybe his contempt for the law is so great that he would — but I doubt it. Perhaps you can think of another explanation?

      “I seem to remember when this first blew up that Wilson said some things indicating a belief that marriage would give Sitler a legitimate sexual outlet. . .”

      “While we do not believe that marriage is an automatic ‘fix’ for the temptations to molest children, we agree with Judge Stegner who approved the wedding and said that ‘an age-appropriate relationship with a member of the opposite sex from Mr. Sitler is one of the best things that can happen to him and to society.’” (Kirk Open Letter on Sitler)

      “Now I’m wondering how widespread this belief is within the Kirk, not to mention the CREC.”

      Taking one thing with another, there is no way to lead men away from poverty, away from crime, away from self-destructive habits, away from a life of laziness, without leading them to a woman. A woman is not the reward for being responsible. Almost all men need to marry before they are entirely responsible adults. A suitor should be a reasonable candidate for future responsibility, but he needs a woman to get there. In this world, a woman is God’s chief instrument for making a man responsible. He uses her to get him there. Just as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, so also is the love of a good woman the beginning of male responsibility. Humanly speaking, you cannot get much masculinity without femininity. (Douglas Wilson, Father Hunger, page 117)

      Hope this fills in some blanks.

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