Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, posted the picture below to the Christ Church Facebook page. The pic has no caption and I do not know what he hoped to achieve by it or why he took time to pose for it. But it fits very neatly with the blog post that he wrote today called The Sin of Soft:
I want to argue that homosexual acts are indeed sinful, as anyone who knows his Bible can also tell you. But that is not the only sin related to all of this. I also want to argue that to embrace the gay identity, independent of whether any sexual relations occur, is also sinful. The gay vibe is a sinful one. That vibe is one of effeminacy. In the passage above, it is a sin to be effeminate (1 Cor. 6:9–11) — the word is malakoi, soft. It is not just a sin to play the soft one in bed; it is sinful to conduct yourself throughout the day as one who could play the soft one in bed. . . . Suppose we are dealing with someone who has bought into the “gay but celibate” proposal. On the one hand, he really is celibate, and he is not in any problematic friendships. In other words, he is not in any sexual relationships, and he is not teetering on the edge of one. But on the other hand, let us also say that he is a walking, talking stereotype of someone who is light in the loafers. He talks with a lisp, he is limp-wristed, he walks like Liberace in a pair of skinny jeans, he is really into fabric design, and so on. In other words, sex aside, sexual activity aside, everything about him screams gay. Without any sex at all, and without any sexual activity on the horizon, he is being effeminate. And that is a sin. (The Sin of Soft)
“It is not just a sin to play the soft one in bed; it is sinful to conduct yourself throughout the day as one who could play the soft one in bed.” — Douglas Wilson
image source
By the way, I suspect that the sexual perversions at Christ Church probably have a root cause.
Update via Twitter:
@MoscowIdahoUSA Doug Wilson, the pastor who mocks celibate SSA men but praises the marriage of a woman and a pedophile. #HeresyMatters
— weston stoler (@Stolerweston) August 31, 2016
Update II via Twitter:
Being soft is a sin.
Manly gay dudes are a-ok with me.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) August 30, 2016
Wow. He couldn’t possibly look more effeminate without wearing a dress.
Again, though, we have to ask the perpetual question: “Doug, 1) are you crazy, is that your problem? Or 2) do you think you’re being especially clever and mocking in some fashion?” Doug most assuredly believes it’s #2, but any rational observer knows it’s #1.
What an interesting photo. Kudos to the photographer that has captured the carefully guarded essence of his inner man. It explains so much! Now, if he could just get over the ignorant and hateful stereotyping of gay men (and come to that lesbians as well) it might help to heal his troubled, dare I say haggard, soul.
Rose Huskey
I think this photo is a carefully-crafted sendup. Doug’s yanking our collective chains.
It appears to be a photoshop intended to poke fun at @kirkceo avatar.
So basically, Doug’s just being a prick. Business as usual.
Well, whatever his motivation for the picture and whatever image he was attempting to convey, satirical or not, “the eyes are the window to the soul”, and no amount of posing can hide the fact that Wilson has the eyes of a psychopath. And every time he says or does something similar, his image in Moscow worsens for him among the citizenry outside of his cult. So there’s the good news.
On one level one might call it hiding in plain sight.