It is no coincidence that our generation suffers under a burden of plagiarizing journalists, confiscatory government, cooked scientific research, and so on. We have lost our understanding of the difference between meum and tuum, and this is because we are listening to the serpent instead of to God. The serpent is the father of liars, which also makes him the father of thieves.
Douglas Wilson
May 10, 2016, Archive
Katie Botkin: “Doug Wilson Plagiarism Bingo”
I stole half her image below but I’m pretty sure she didn’t trademark it. Let the excuses fly!
Omnibus Volume II: Church Fathers through the Reformation
“Making Your Own Confession”
“First, I wanted to win so badly that I was willing to bend the truth and to encourage others to bend it with me in hopes that I could win and lord it over my classmates. . . .” Continue reading
@KirkCEO: The Nostradamus of Twitter
Absurdity Meets Reality in Doug Wilson
“How much do you want to bet I’m going to accuse Wikipedia of actually plagiarizing me?” Continue reading