Addendum to this morning’s letter to the editor

As an addendum to this morning’s letter to the editor, please let me call your attention to a brief paragraph from the SPLC’s Intelligence Report, where they quote Gary Greenfield describing his experience in Christ Church, Moscow, after Doug Wilson learned about Natalie’s abuse:

The father of the girl in the second incident told the Intelligence Report that church officials tried to keep that quiet as well. At one point, he said, they threatened to bring him under church discipline for failing to protect his daughter. “It would be like me getting robbed and the police coming over and arresting me because I didn’t have five locks on the door, only one,” he said. “It was just bizarre.”

The article is dated October 19, 2006, and Gary’s analogy is right on. The Kirk disciplines the righteous and rewards the wicked. Case in point: Jamin Wight got promoted to missionary while they almost excommunicated Gary Greenfield. Mr. Wilson said they didn’t excommunicate Gary “for the sake of the family.”