These eight books share two things in common:

Douglas Wilson co-wrote, edited, and published this book twenty years ago, in 1996. It contains massive swaths of plagiarized body text.

Douglas Wilson co-wrote this book with fellow CREC pastor Randy Booth. It contains large sections of plagiarized text, including almost an entire chapter.

Douglas Wilson co-edited the first volume of the Omnibus series, which contains acres of plagiarized body text. This textbook set the standard for those to follow. Retail price $100.

Volume II of the Omnibus series picked up where Volume I left off — co-edited by Douglas Wilson and cover-to-cover plagiarized text under the guise of “Classical Christian Education.” Retail price $100.

They say three is a pattern. If so, then Volume III of the Omnibus series establishes the pattern of front-to-back plagiarism. Co-edited by Douglas Wilson. Retail price $100.

If three is a pattern, can we say that four is a habit? Co-edited by Douglas Wilson and littered with stolen text & images. Retail price $100.

If three’s a pattern and four’s a habit, then Volume V of the Omnibus series represents the serial stage of plagiarism. Co-edited by Douglas Wilson. Retail price $100.

As with its five predecessors, Douglas Wilson co-edited this volume of the Omnibus series and like its five predecessors, it contains copyright-protected words & images. Retail price $100.
Thanks for the overview including all six volumes of the series. Even while the finger pointing is going on it will be impossible for DW to offer any explanation however flimsy and self-serving for the textual plagiarism. I wonder if the authors signed a contract verifying that the work product was original and entirely (except where citing other authors — oops that would be never) their own. He Who Knows No Shame will wiggle like a sidewinder to pin this on everyone except himself. Clearly in Dougland the title co-editor means a larger percentage of the sale revenue but no responsibility for ensuring the legitimacy of the effort. Now, if we can just find out who produced the captions and inserts. Did Veritas Press ever issued vita’s on the authors so that readers can judge for themselves their academic qualifications?
Rose Huskey
PS I have to wonder who much “rejoicing” is going on at NSA and Veritas Academy today? The article (cited below) was aptly titled “Inner and Outer Darkness” — which pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it?
Blog and Mablog, April 23, 2016, Doug Wilson.
It’s hard to believe that someone with the background of Gene Edward Veith would plagiarize anything. Fischer I don’t know much about, except that he is the headmaster of something called Veritas Academy and was the managing editor of the Omnibus series. I wonder if he’ll be the one to fall on his sword or be thrown under the Kirk bus.
Fischer is the leading candidate.