“insecurity on heels with boobs”

This takes us back to Christian maturity, and that maturity will answer the question for each couple. This is not saying that ‘whatever works for you’ is fine. No, it is possible to do this all wrong. An insecure girl can get a breast job, and when all is said and done, you have insecurity on heels with boobs — a bad combination, incidentally. Another woman who receives reconstructive surgery after breast cancer can thank God for His gracious gift. Was that so hard?
Douglas Wilson


  1. Boobs, boobs, boobs….. If a woman is insecure, of course she’d want a boob job. If she is a feminist, maybe she’s a “small-breasted biddie.” He always brings it back to breasts. Thank you Pastor Perv….

  2. I have no doubt DW was tickled pink, and jumped at the opportunity to give a review on the Driscoll’s “Real Marriage” book. It gives him another chance to talk about sex.

  3. Doug’s breast obsession is disturbing enough in writing, but imagining it in his stumbling, stilted speech, “uh, so…uh…biddies, and, uh…wet nurse…or the, uh, pink dildos…” is even worse. Does he actually use this language in daily life? In sermons?

  4. Dear “Pastor” Wilson, as an avid follower of you colossal knowledge of everything (BTW, on a “Ask Doug” video, could you describe the proper way to make lasagna? Oh, and how to remove coffee stains from a carpet? Thank you in advance), and who is more than super impressed with your awesome wordsmithiness, I hope I’m not being too presumptuous in making a suggestion. (Oh yeah, another question for “Ask Doug”. With spring almost here, how do I rid my lawn of pesky dandelions? Thank you again.) Anyway, I notice that your way cool frequent references to breasts and boobs seem (gosh, I hope I’m not being presumptuous in thinking I could possibly advise the greatest wordsmith in the history of the cosmos) to be limited to those two terms for a woman’s chestological region. It’s with utmost humility that I (hopefully not presumptuously) offer a few other euphemisms. Thank you for your wonderfulness. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fun:Breast

    1. Well Doug Jones wrote a Credenda article on dandelions in the late 90s, but since his work is no longer Canon, it is a subject ripe for revisiting by an author currently in favor.

  5. Hey, Doug Wilson isn’t making use of all the slang terms for breasts. Someone needs to inform him right away. Just think of how his blog traffic might increase!

  6. …AND Doug, in providing his favorite example yet again, demonstrates why he is supremely unqualified to speak on Christian maturity.

  7. These tweets belong here:

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