We have uploaded another document to the Jamin Wight Archive. It’s a sworn affidavit by Latah County Sheriff’s Detective Ryan Weaver, who investigated Mr. Wight for domestic violence. The first instance documented by Detective Weaver occurred on June 1, 2011, or roughly one year after the Kirk sent Mr. Wight on a missionary journey to Haiti. Other incidents follow. Warning: It’s horrible.
St. Paul warned Timothy, “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after” (1 Tim. 5:24). In Jamin Wight’s case, they went before and after — yet Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, still reckons the felon a credible witness.
CREC Missionary. Trusted Witness. This is our first real look at the “Wight Washing” Natalie has described. Horrible https://t.co/YNEQaIGKqD
— Cicero (@kirkcicero) February 10, 2016
This. THIS is Doug Wilson’s trusted source as to what went on in the Greenfield household. Seriously, just how ineptly brain-damaged congenitally-moronic asininely idiot-buffoon baboon-chimp stupid does anyone have to be to continue attending Doug Wilson’s laughable mockery of a church and listening to anything he says while believing it, any —- thing at all?? Idiots. Cretins. Numbskulls, blockheads, and nincompoops.
Please! do not use the Lords name in vain.