Let their children be orphaned, cut off without a father. Let their wives be widows, and we pray that their children would be desolate, having to beg their bread in empty places. We pray that the extortioner would come back at them, catching them in their plots, and taking all that they have. May strangers and aliens pillage them and leave them with nothing. We pray that when this happens, and Your hand is evident, that no one would show mercy, and that no kindness would be extended to his fatherless children. Cut off his posterity; may his name and his line come to nothing. Recall how sinful his father was, and call up again the sins of his mother. May their sins come before Your throne continually so that their name may be blotted out, and remembered on the earth no more.
Douglas Wilson
February 2016 Monthly Archive
Fifty Shades of Guile
A Corruption of Justice Primer
“we have access to the love letters/journals that you wrote that the court reviewed and then sealed . . . . those documents contain highly intimate and potentially embarrassing facts or statements, the publication of which would be highly objectionable to reasonable persons.” —Douglas Wilson
“fake boobs”
Christ makes all things new. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. And when God gives us a new heart, it is far more real than the old broken one. In regeneration, God is turning us into people. God takes away the heart of stone, and in evangelical conversion He gives a heart of flesh. So what does God give? He gives a living, beating human heart. He gives a genuine heart. All our surgeons can do is give fake boobs.
Douglas Wilson
Kirkers, the truth I have is so powerful that sometimes I have to lie a little.
Sometimes you can’t handle the truth.
— Not Doug Wilson (@KirkCEO) February 26, 2016
“insecurity on heels with boobs”
This takes us back to Christian maturity, and that maturity will answer the question for each couple. This is not saying that ‘whatever works for you’ is fine. No, it is possible to do this all wrong. An insecure girl can get a breast job, and when all is said and done, you have insecurity on heels with boobs — a bad combination, incidentally. Another woman who receives reconstructive surgery after breast cancer can thank God for His gracious gift. Was that so hard?
Douglas Wilson
RawStory: “GOP bill would allow group founded by anti-gay slavery defender to accredit Tennessee schools”
The Tennessee state Senate on Monday was scheduled to consider a GOP-sponsored bill that would allow church schools to be accredited by a Christian organization founded by Douglas Wilson — an evangelical theologian who has defended the institution of slavery, . . . Continue reading
On Doug Wilson and the Age of Consent
Doug Dissembles
Doug Wilson will say one thing for the record to the court in defense of a child abuser, and he will say the complete opposite in public to create a false impression about his true convictions.
It’s Not You
It’s Him
And it’s not fog — it’s gas. He’s gaslighting you. Continue reading
For Glory and a Coffee Shop: Doug’s dealings with dissent: https://t.co/Gfh7kDfTsD
— Cicero (@kirkcicero) February 20, 2016
“If I Were the Devil . . .”
When the bad guys have pushed that kind of thing sufficiently, they will then take the next step. In fact, their agenda is far enough along that they have already been taking it. What’s with that tired old category consensual? The first place that this comes under assault is with age of consent laws. Those laws presuppose the old order of Christendom, and a childhood protected from sexual predations was a cultural artifact of the Christian gospel. I thank God for it. The apostles of Progress are trying to dismantle the entire thing, and I really don’t think we should be helping them in any way.
Douglas Wilson
This Tweet Might Look Unbelievable
But It’s True
If you plan to send your daughter to New St. Andrews College, then you should know that two key administrators for NSA, including Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, arranged the marriage of a serial pedophile to a 23-year-old . . . Continue reading
A Pattern of Behavior
“but then we have never considered Wilson connected to the real world” Continue reading
“Forbear Threatening”
Forbear Threatening
We have already consider one word for threatening (apeileo), and we now come to another closely related one (apeile). As before, threatening is something the ungodly do. . . . We can see the sinful frame of mind that Saul of Tarsus was in as he engaged in his attack on the fledgling Christian church. ‘And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem’ (Acts 9:1–2). . . God’s people ought not to function with threats really at all.
Douglas Wilson