Top Ten Posts of the Steven Sitler Archive

We launched the Sitler Archive a little before midnight on Sunday, September 6, 2015, and shot through 13,000 hits the first day, thanks to Julie Anne at Spiritual Sounding Board and Deb & Dee at The Wartburg Watch. But there is nothing about Steven Sitler worthy of celebration. If justice had been served, he would be the deceased subject of a lethal injection or incarcerated for the remainder of his life.

Steven Sitler is a serial pedophile who committed unspeakable abominations on helpless infants & children. Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, accurately described Sitler when he wrote, “Steven’s behavior was with young children and was simply predatory.” And in a failed attempt to downplay the gravity of Sitler’s predations, Mr. Wilson wrote, “I believe there was at least one scenario where Steven could have been killed on the spot, and no injustice done.” Of course, this creepy statement makes one wonder what Sitler did to deserve death on this occasion that he hadn’t done thousands of times before. There is a reason his counselors labeled him a “fixated pedophile in 2005 who under no circumstances should be allowed to be around children unsupervised.”

But we do want to note the top ten posts of the year in the Sitler Archive because these entries begin to tell the horrible story of the serial pedophile, which everyone on the Palouse and in the church should know.

  1. Steven Sitler Hearing: Review of Terms of Probation
    Every member of Christ Church, Moscow, should listen closely to this audio, because Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson (@27:07) does for the Sitler baby what no Kirk officer did, including Pastor Douglas Wilson.
  2. Moscow-Pullman Daily News: CPS opening investigation into Sitler family
  3. Probation & Parole: Affidavit of Blaine Holman
  4. Moscow-Pullman Daily News: Our View: Evidence shows Sitler is a clear danger to his own child
  5. The Meeting
  6. Moscow-Pullman Daily News: Prosecutor: New disclosures of conduct by Moscow sex offender are ‘state’s worst fears’
  7. Idaho Department of Correction: Re: Steven Sitler
  8. Department of Correction Special Progress Report
  9. Steven Sitler: Wedding Ceremony

And a special word of thanks to everyone on Team Truth who made this site possible.