“Natalie’s Story”

Jory Micah has donated some of her bandwidth to Natalie Rose Greenfield, who suffered serial sexual abuse at the hands of a Doug Wilson follower. There are two stories here: First, the horrible abuse 13-year-old Natalie suffered at the hands of Doug Wilson’s 23-year-old follower. Second, the horrible abuse Natalie suffered at the hands of Doug Wilson, as he defended his follower.

Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, always sides with the predator. He trains them. He equips them. He protects them:

To this day, Doug Wilson stands by his decisions to defend my abuser and blame my family for the abuse I suffered. He continues his attempts to silence and shame me as I tell my story publicly. With a grave misunderstanding of abusive relationships and an unhealthy view of gender roles, he has created an environment where abuse can thrive in the shadows. Continue Reading →

You should ponder these facts, if you plan to send your daughter to New Saint Andrews College. Mr. Wilson has established a pattern.


  1. I like Jory Micah and I rejoice at every opportunity that Natalie is given a forum to further disseminate her story, but Jory doesn’t like my commenting style so I’m not going to post over there any more. Oh well. I’m nothing if not abrasive and irritating. SOMEBODY has to prove that you can level Doug’s rhetorical playing field, and since I have nothing better to do in my free time it may as well be me.

  2. You know, the reason why Doug Wilson still has any footing at all, and why he hasn’t been ridden out of Moscow on a rail, is that too many weak-willed and fearful people still insist on adhering to the modern Reformed heresy of “I WILL GET IN TO HEAVEN BY WILLFULLY HOLDING ALL OF THE CORRECT THEOLOGICAL THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN AT ALL TIMES.”


    I mean really folks: STOP BUYING INTO THIS STUPIDITY. You’re all wrecking your own ships by not thinking for yourselves.

  3. Here’s an excerpt from a comment that Jory *IS* allowing on Natalie’s blog post:

    “Doug Wilson sets a high standard for husbands–teaching and showing by example that they are to revere their wives (brains, skill, and loveliness).
    I’m grateful for my church. And I am empowered by its teachings.” –Jess

    No. JUST NO. You don’t get to say crap like that with the clear record of public abuse that Doug Wilson has demonstrated over and over and over again. This is not up for debate. You are wrong and you are behaving in a criminally irresponsible manner to say things like that. It’s absolutely nauseating and despicable.

    If you truly believe that statement about Christ Church and Doug Wilson despite all evidence to the contrary, then you are an idiot and a moron and you deserved to be called out as such. You are perpetrating a criminal atmosphere and assisting a narcissistic and sociopathic preacher in covering up horrendous crimes. Stop doing it, you weak spineless cowardly lemmings. Stop being smug, legalistic Pharisees. Stop jamming your heads up inside your own colons in evasion of the facts.

    Jory’s position is that it’s OK to attack the theology but not the person. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It is WAY past time to attack the theology. The time has come to call out individually those who continue willfully adhering to Doug Wilson’s heresy, who continue propping up his pseudo-Islamic ministry, and hold them each accountable for their own colossal arrogance, hubris, and idiocy.

    Stop it with the fluffy feel-good rhetoric in response to Doug’s minions, Jory. If that’s the approach you’re going to take, you’re actually doing MORE damage to Natalie’s story, not less.

    1. @Dash — Strong letter to follow?
      She’s a lib but she’s a consistent lib, which happens almost never.

    2. From me to her? She’ll never listen to me. She won’t even entertain uncomfortable dialogue in her comments section.

      Look, I don’t want to pick a fight with Jory Micah because she obviously wants to help, but calling a spade a spade is warranted at this stage. I don’t see where mincing words in order to be “nice” to Doug’s followers is going to help at this point.

    3. She’s a consistent lib and I applaud her for that. But I’m like you. I have no patience for niceties in the face of horrible crimes.

    4. I just see the cancer that ISIS has become in the Middle East, and then I look at Doug Wilson and Christ Church and the CREC and read Rod Dreher’s proposals about the Benedict Option, and it scares the piss out of me. John Calvin had people executed if he deemed them to be heretics. Doug Wilson has expressed absolute conviction toward the same actions. He is a Christian caliph, full stop; and his minions are giving him the power to be so.

    5. Agreed. In fact, I have a post in the queue along the caliphate lines and at one point I planned on using a widget on the sidebar to specifically link only to stories about how ISIS indoctrinates its children. Those stories only, with pictures. I decided against it for fear of alienating readers — even though Wilson and ISIS are exactly the same. Some people can only handle the truth in small bites, especially when it turns their entire worldview on its head.

  4. From the comments section:

    “Doug teaches very strongly, both in sermons and in his writing, that men’s authority is never absolute in any sphere of life. A wife (or daughter) is called to be an Abigail to a Nabel when a husband (or father) is playing the tyrant, acting as if his authority is absolute. I have seen this in action (not merely empty words) and I am thankful for the active protection of girls and women I have watched over the years.” –Heather Wilson

    Heather: What the f@#$ is WRONG with you?? Are you literally and genuinely brain-damaged? Are you congenitally learning disabled?? Do you actually believe that no one else can see how full of sh*% you are? Do you think your words fool people into saying “Oh OK, well that’s all right then, she certainly set me straight”??

    NO, you lummox. All you’re doing is proving that you’ve been thoroughly indoctrinated and brain-washed. All you’re showing is how weak-willed and spineless and jellyfish-like you are, that you have no will of your own, that you are completely and utterly assimilated into the hive-mind that is Doug Wilson’s stupid, stupid, jackass-level-idiotic cult. Nobody is buying the crap you’re selling for two seconds; and the more vociferously you spout it and the more vigorously you attempt to defend it, the dumber you look and the less convinced we all are.

    To quote the great Jack Nicholson, “Sell crazy someplace else. We’re all stocked up here.”

    1. …I gotta tell ya man, it is just about rupturing my gall bladder not to respond directly to these people on Jory’s blog. The things I do to try not to be an even bigger prick than I already am…

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