Someone might say that these scenarios are not realistic, because nobody in those categories is (currently) demanding to be served. The Moonlight Bunny Ranch guy knows not to call the ad agencies that have that little fish on their web site. Right. But the issue is the principle. Suppose he did come into my little graphics shop, and I am being advised in the back room by Powers and Merritt. They are willing to show me the way Jesus would have done it, had He been a graphic designer. My customer thinks my first draft was okay, but he came back in because he wants me to “make her tits bigger.” That’s what draws most of their clientele, he explains. Wait, I say, because I have to do a quick consult on the back room — I fortunately happen to have a couple of experts back there. What, in the column they have written, would give me the right to go back out to my almost customer in order to tell him to put an egg in his shoe and beat it?
Douglas Wilson
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Does anyone have any idea what the hell he is talking about?
Hi Dan — Wilson framed a classic strawman argument in this paragraph because he needed to use the word “tits” in a sentence. This is a pattern for him, as these quotes will demonstrate.
He says that theology comes out your fingertips, and here we see the sum total of his theology coming straight out his fingertips, onto his keyboard, and blasted across the internet — gratuitous street language intended to demean women disguised as an argument defending the faith.
I think this man is totally lost. I cannot understand why anybody is listening to him at church – or anywhere else for that matter.