A Heartfelt Thank You

To Julie Anne at Spiritual Sounding Board, Deb & Dee at The Wartburg Watch, and everyone on Twitter for making this launch an extraordinary success.

This website has been in the planning stage for several years. The platform alone went through four rebuilds because as the years piled up, so did WordPress’ ability to host documentation. And gathering the docs has taken years (the Sitler files are the tip of the iceberg).

We were not ready to launch yesterday, not even close, and we had no set date to launch. But things started to itch when the Moscow-Pullman Daily News ran this story on Wednesday, and when they ran this editorial on Saturday, it was time to fish or get off the pot. So we made the site as presentable as possible and cast our nets in the water.

That said, no one had great expectations for this work but everyone felt the same moral obligation to donate their time and resources to make it happen. Honestly, we would have been happy with 20 hits, so imagine our surprise to see we shot through 13,000 hits yesterday.

Finally, in case you didn’t notice, each quotation in each header is taken directly from the writings of Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow. Hence the quotation marks. He really said those things just as he really did the things you see over on the Sitler archive.

So, once again, thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement.