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NSAC expansion appealed again
City of Moscow receives two appeals to recent Board of Adjustment’s decision to approve college’s expansion into CJ’s building
Staff report
The city of Moscow has received two appeals of the Moscow Board of Adjustment’s July 18 decision to approve a conditional use permit that would allow New Saint Andrews College to expand into the former Cadillac Jack’s building on North Main Street.
City Attorney Rod Hall said the city is researching the validity of the appeals. The City Council will decide whether to deny or hear the appeals at a future City Council meeting, possibly Aug. 21.
Hall said Ryanne Pilgeram, who appealed the BOA’s first decision on the CUP approval, and Ian von Lindern and his wife, Margrit von Braun, who appealed together, are the appellants.
The college plans to establish a music conservatory at the CJ’s building with up to 300 students.
The board first approved the permit in April but five residents appealed the board’s decision. The City Council reviewed those appeals in June, upheld Pilgeram’s appeal and remanded the decision back to the board.
The board approved the permit 4-2 on July 18 with almost the exact conditions as the first approval in April. The board decided that NSAC must provide 47 off-street parking spaces within a quarter mile of the former CJ’s property, instead of a half mile, as approved three months ago.
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