1. I think we’re giving him a little too much credit here. I don’t see Doug as “Death,” that’s far too flattering. He’s more like dysentery, or possibly a bad case of herpes.

    Also, I’ll repeat this because it bears repeating: Doug Wilson is disgustingly obese. He is corpulently, grossly, immensely blubberous. I mean seriously, what a fatass.

    1. @Dash — Notice that the Doane pulled his lens way back when he shot Death, to hide Death’s 90-pound surplus of lard, which doesn’t quite fit the profile of a skeleton (they say that black is slimming — but not in this case); and he needed to obscure Death’s eroded hand-to-eye coordination. Death’s mortality is evident.

  2. I do not know Mr. Greenfield, but it sounds like Wilson’s pursuit of him goes beyond blame shifting or even punishment for not getting in line. By Greenfield’s account, he would not fully invest in Wilson’s vision of Christ Church, and Wilson was frustrated by this. But many probably fell under this category. What made Wilson go after him, specifically?

    I wonder if Gary Greenfield had something that a narcissistic Doug Wilson wanted (it could be anything: humility, an enviable family, business acumen, genuine gentleness and compassion that Wilson could never manufacture…). Maybe Wilson decided to make Gary his narcissistic target. If this were the case, Wilson would pursue him relentlessly — probably with the knowledge that Greenfield would not retaliate — until he was utterly crushed.

    One could extend the same logic of targeting to Natalie, who Wilson clearly believes oozed some kind of raw, unbridled sexuality — a freedom he could never experience. And to Sitler, who was able to act on his sexual impulses, sick as they were. Doug envied both, because for all his talk about conquering and planting and penetrating, he seems terribly sexually repressed. Katie was collateral damage, and Wilson could easily writer her off. Or perhaps he saw her meekness, and wanted to prove that it is the strong — the ones who punch twice as hard — who truly inherit the earth. Dr. Schuler, a skilled musician with actual educational credentials, credibly disagreed with Wilson. Wilson couldn’t have that.

    Please forgive these assumptions if they’re off; I don’t know the parties involved and I could be wildly overreaching. But from the outside, it looks like a case of narcissistic personality disorder that targets people, mows them down, and moves on to the next victim.

    1. One thing I think Doug Wilson wanted was greater control of Bucer’s. He once wrote a ‘parable’ where Gary Greenfield got hit by a bus in retaliation for Gary eschewing his advice regarding book sales and supply. When I was in Moscow it seemed like Bucer’s was considered a branch of the NSA/Christ Church kingdom, maybe Doug wasn’t happy with Gary’s intentions for Bucer’s when he was planning to leave Moscow with his family.

    2. This weekend I remembered that parable from Credenda and wrestled with whether I should post it. Now I will.

    3. I desperately want to see this “parable.” I wonder if I saw it in Credenda back in the day.

    4. Here you are Sarah:

      “Once there was a man who would not write anything down. This was only a mild nuisance when it came to things like grocery lists, but it was a significant problem in his extensive business dealings. He would make agreements, as he put it, “the way his grandpappy did,” with a smile and a handshake. “We are all Christians,” he would say to those who had requested a written agreement, lease, work contract, whatever. And with that, his questioners went away feeling slightly disapproved of. Some of them sometimes wondered how something like regeneration could make your memory perfect, but none of them ever said anything. Of course, it was not long before his dealings were all in a perfect snarl. One day, while crossing the street at an intersection, he objected to a written message that, when summarized, read something like, “Don’t Walk,” and he was struck and killed by a UPS truck. His widow spent a number of years and many thousands of dollars sorting everything out, and at least three attorneys lived happily ever after.”

      He is Death.

    5. Thanks, Cicero.

      And ewww. I did read that once upon a time. It makes me feel like a participant in Doug’s sick games. Ew. Ew. Ew.

  3. Also: is Wilson’s version of Death wearing a newsboy cap and Calvinist beard? Ugh, this guy.

    1. To an outsider with no stake in the Moscow environment, there’s a genuinely laughable comedic element to Doug Wilson’s antics, not in a good way. What a buffoon, right? This guy reeks of rank idiocy.

    2. Yes, he reminds me of Doug Phillips, of the now-defunct Vision Forum. Except Wilson’s buffoonery manifests as Scottish cosplay, rock star aspirations, and faux intellectualism.

      And while Doug Phillips had poor impulse control, Doug Wilson seems very good at keeping his proclivities in check.

  4. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10

    Ulysses, you are correct. It’s telling that Doug Wilson has a chosen a symbol of death and destruction on his book cover. It’s revealing that he smashes flower pots (representing people) in his video. He has chosen to identify with the devil and the ministry of death, not Jesus Christ and the ministry of life.

    The wolf in sheeps’s clothing can only hide his true nature for so long. But to paraphrase an old saying: if it growls like a wolf, and threatens like a wolf, and terrorizes sheep like a wolf; and scatters the flock like a wolf; and bites and kills like a wolf, it’s a wolf. Underneath Wilson’s sheep costume we see sharp teeth and we hear hateful words and implied threats. Looking around his flock, we see his victims. But what else should we expect from a man who wrote a book called “The Serrated Edge?” Or the book “Against the Church?” And now the symbol of death is on his motorcycle jacket.

    Over the years, the true sheep in Wilson’s church have turned away from the stranger Jesus warned about, and gone back to following the True Shepherd. If any true sheep remain in Wilson’s church, now would be a good time to walk away and do likewise. No telling what Wilson might do next.

  5. Did that blurb on the cover say “lumberjack” or “dumb boorish jackass”? I don’t think honest, hardworking lumberjacks should be so impugned. – d

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